So what now? Well, I'm going to take life advice from an eight year old boy I've never officially met. Not kidding. Okay, story time, kids: About six years ago while walking my little kiddo through the bus parking lot, I witnessed an eight year old boy rescue his preschool age little sister in the most unusual way. The girl had fallen, scraped her bare knees, and nearly toppled onto her face with the weight of her backpack. Hurt and stunned, she lay on her belly and just cried. Her brother looked back at their mom's car, doors shut and waiting to pull out and drive away, then he looked at the school bus. I saw his little face scrunch up in determination. Mom couldn't help. The bus was going to leave soon. He had to fix this on his own, and right now. The boy took hold of his sister's elbow, hauled her to her feet and got right in her face. Over the chaotic chatter of rushing kids, I heard him sternly give her orders, “Get up. Cry later.” This was exactly what the little girl needed in that moment. She stopped bawling, clutched her backpack strap, and sniffled as her brother hustled her to the bus.
I'm choosing to take life advice from that eight year old boy. Get up. Cry later. In other words, pick yourself up and keep moving forward. I'm moving forward. The Guardian was released October 2022, and let me tell you, Captain Savard had been impatiently waiting his turn. His book, The Guardian, was the first dip of my toes into uncharted waters. Self publishing is an adventure, and if all goes according to plan (insert super villain laugh), Night Stalker (The Cities Below, Book 6) will be released at the end of 2023. Thank you for sticking with me on this wild ride.
Love to you all!
Jen Colly